David M. Gordon
David M. Gordon is a Chicago-area composer. He holds a Ph.D. in music composition from the University of Chicago, as well as B.M. and M.M. degrees in composition from Northern Illinois University. Gordon has collaborated with a wide variety of performers and ensembles, including Eighth Blackbird, the Pacifica Quartet, the South Dakota Symphony Orchestra, the Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra, pianists Paul Sánchez and Margaret Leng Tan, the Quey Percussion Duo, Far Song, the Chicago Sinfonietta, Contempo, the Motion Trio, and steelpan virtuoso Liam Teague.
In 2015, David M. Gordon composed Mysteria Incarnationis –– a forty-minute, microtonal work for soprano doubling on toy piano, Thai button gong, finger cymbal, water globe, and vibra-tone®; pianist doubling on water glass and harmonica; and violinist doubling on autoharp –– for Kayleen Sánchez and Paul Sánchez (the duo Far Song). In 2018, Gordon composed "Consolation New"–– for one pianist playing two retuned pianos –– for Paul Sánchez.
Paul Sánchez and Kayleen Sánchez recorded Mysteria Incarnationis and "Consolation New" for the album Mysteria Fidei, released by Innova Recordings in 2020.
“Paul Sánchez is surely the ideal interpreter, mapping the contours of Gordon's [“Consolation New”] superbly and performing with clear virtuosity.”
– Fanfare Magazine
“…a brilliant recording and experienced via transcendental performances.”
– Fanfare Magazine
In 2021, Gordon composed Fabular Arcana, a four-movement concerto for retuned piano and orchestra, commissioned by Paul Sánchez. Fabular Arcana was premiered by Sánchez and music director Delta David Gier with the South Dakota Symphony Orchestra in 2022.

Fabular Arcana
David M. Gordon's concerto for retuned piano and orchestra, commissioned by Paul Sánchez. World premiere performance, Delta David Gier, music director, South Dakota Symphony Orchestra, January 21, 2022.
I. Hexefriri's Grand Parallactic Clockwork
Mysteria Fidei is an album of David M. Gordon's music, including Mysteria Incarnationis, "Consolation New," and "Fader, stilla våra andar."
“Paul Sánchez is surely the ideal interpreter, mapping the contours of Gordon's [“Consolation New”] superbly and performing with clear virtuosity.”
– Fanfare Magazine
“…a brilliant recording and experienced via transcendental performances.”
– Fanfare Magazine

Consolation New
David M. Gordon's "Consolation New" is for one pianist playing on two microtonally tuned pianos. Commissioned by Paul Sánchez.
"Consolation New" is recorded on Sánchez' album Mysteria Fidei.

Mysteria Incarnationis
David M. Gordon composed Mysteria Incarnationis –– a forty-minute, microtonal work for soprano doubling on toy piano, Thai button gong, finger cymbal, water globe, and vibra-tone®; pianist doubling on water glass and harmonica; and violinist doubling on autoharp –– for Kayleen Sánchez and Paul Sánchez (Far Song duo).
Mysteria Incarnationis is recorded on Far Song's Mysteria Fidei.